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Drywall Pricing in the Dallas Area With Pricing Quotes from Local Companies

Drywall Pricing in the Dallas Area With Pricing Quotes from Local Companies
Taking on a drywall installation project can be overwhelming, but understanding the process and budget planning can significantly reduce stress. Researching online about drywall installation contractors in the Dallas area is a good place to start when you aren’t sure what you should expect from the process or the cost. If you are here just for Dallas prices, scroll down to nearly the bottom to reach them.
18 November 2019
Ash Shetty
Types of work
Framing and Drywall
Reading time
12 minutes
Drywall Pricing in the Dallas Area With Pricing Quotes from Local Companies

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you are faced with several companies to email or call for quotes, but sometimes you can do a little digging to lessen the number of calls you’ll have to make. Luckily, there are guides like this one to help make the process a little easier and a little more friendly for the average consumer.

With this guide, you’ll be able to read about what an average drywall installation service includes and what you should expect in regards to the budget. You’ll even be able to see quotes for projects from actual companies in the Dallas area. All of this is aimed at helping you make a good decision about your upcoming drywall installation project.

Whether you have a huge commercial drywall project to deal with or something small at home, it’s normal to have questions. If you live in the Dallas area and want your questions answered, it’s time to keep reading. This is the comprehensive guide to drywall installation projects in the Dallas area.

What Do Typical Drywall Installation Services Include?

When you start thinking about a new drywall project, you may not be sure what the entire process involves. If you contact someone for drywall installation, what does that include? Can you expect them to do everything from hanging the drywall to painting it? It’s good to be aware of what to expect and what the entire process involves before you make calls for quotes.

This information will help you make sure that your quote includes all the services you’re going to need for your project. The last thing you want is to plan for a service that wasn’t included in your estimate and discover it later. This could potentially disrupt your entire budget and project schedule. Here’s what the typical process looks like:

Drywall Installation

Drywall installation is an inexpensive material that is installed in homes and other buildings to help build walls or ceilings. Drywall is made of gypsum and sometimes referred to as gypsum board as well.

There are five different finish levels that go along with drywall installation. The type of finish you need depends on the type of project you are planning to have done. Some finishes may increase the cost of your project, so knowing what you’ll need ahead of time will help you get a more accurate estimate.

Drywall Installation

Drywall Finish

As you just read, there are five different levels of drywall finishing for a drywall installation project. Each level refers to how much work is done after the drywall is hung. Level 0 being the least amount of work to level 5 being the highest amount of work.

  • Level 0:

After hanging the drywall, nothing else is done. Tacks and nails, as well as seams, are left exposed. This is not common for many drywall projects and generally is only done when the work is meant to be temporary.

  • Level 1:

This level refers to having joint tape embedded into the drywall joints, but nothing more will be done beyond this. Again, this is usually not how drywall crews will leave your project, but it is sometimes done for quick or lower-budget jobs.

  • Level 2:

At level 2, you can expect the drywall tape and any exposed nails or tacks to be covered with a thin layer of joint compound. This is a level you may stop at if you know your finished project is going to involve installing tiles over the drywall itself.

  • Level 3:

This is similar to level 2, but a second or thicker layer of joint compound is applied to the tape and screws/nails/tacks that are exposed. If you are planning to have heavily textured walls, you could let your drywall contractors know in advance. They would be able to stop at this finish level in that case.

  • Level 4:

This is the most common type of finish for a drywall project. If you call for an estimate and don’t talk about specific types of finishes or needs, you can safely assume your project will include a finishing quote cost of a level four finish.

At level four you can expect all tape and screws, etc., to be covered in a thick coat of joint compound. After the compound has dried, it will be sanded down, leaving the walls smooth and easy to cover with paint or other finishing options.

  • Level 5:

This is one step further than a level four finish. You can expect this finish to cost extra, and it really only needs to be used if you have highly intricate finishes or decorations planned for your walls.

At level five you’ll have sanded walls that then have a “skim coat” applied to them. Skim coating is a watered-down joint compound that can be applied with a paintbrush or even, in some cases, airbrushed onto your walls. It makes for an extremely smooth finish on the drywall.

Again, you’ll want to remember what type of overall finish you are planning to use for your project. Remember that in general most projects commonly use the level four finish, but if you know your walls are going to be heavily textured, tiled, or require intricate work, you can mention that when you are planning out your budget and talking with your contractor.

This is a good example of how knowing about the process before you make calls will be helpful. You’ll be able to make sure the final project is exactly what you need, no one will be making assumptions about anything on either side, and you’ll get a more exact quote if you know you’re going to need more (or less) work in the finishing process.

Final Painting

Most of the time, unless you’re planning to use a different kind of finish (heavy textures, tiles, etc.), you’ll want to have the crew paint your drywall before they leave. This is something you can get included with your quote as well. The painting is the final step in the drywall installation project/process.

You could paint the drywall yourself, but depending on the size of your project, it could be more hassle than it’s worth. Painting one small room by yourself isn’t a big deal, but when you’re talking about a commercial drywall project, you have to consider that you’ll have multiple rooms to paint after everything is finished.

A drywall installation crew has multiple members who are experienced in painting drywall. They can finish in record time and will probably do a better job than you could on your own. Usually, the final coat of paint isn’t that expensive, and it could be worth it to have the crew do it for you before they leave just to save some time and headaches.

What Is The Average Budget For Drywall Installation Projects In The US?

The average cost of drywall installation in the US is not always going to give you the best indicator of what the cost would be in the Dallas area. What it does show you is what might be too expensive, or suspiciously too low in cost. If you know the national averages you have more information than other consumers. This can help you make the best decision about which contractors to hire.

Some things that may change how much your project costs would be based on how your specific contractors charge for materials, labor, and even travel to your worksite. Some companies charge a flat fee per square foot, while others take each individual factor into consideration and create an estimate based on all of the things mentioned above.

On average in the US, you can expect drywall to cost around $1.50 per square foot to install. Once you add in materials and labor, the national average is around $40-$60 dollars per drywall panel. The overall cost of your project will depend on the size of the room or rooms you are planning to have drywall installed in.

There are some extra factors to keep in mind when you’re considering where your project may fall within that range. Some contractors will charge a little extra per square foot for smaller projects, while larger projects get what you might consider a “bulk discount” per square foot because you’re paying for more overall.

You may also want to consider the type of drywall being used. There are a few options available, and some do cost more than others.

What Is The Average Budget For Drywall Installation Projects In The US?

What Types Of Drywall Are Available?

While it may depend on which contractor you hire and what they offer within their company, there are five types of drywall you can be aware of as a consumer. Knowing about these five types and what each type offers (as well as how much extra the type may cost) can help you get the most out of your drywall installation project.

Regular Drywall

This is the basic gray drywall you probably have in mind when you think of what drywall looks like. It’s the cheapest drywall option, and it can be used in a wide variety of situations, including most areas of your home or office building. It’s a good all-around option, especially if you’re on a tight budget and still need a good drywall contractor to help you with your project.

Green Drywall

This type of drywall is mold resistant and can be used in areas where high moisture will be an issue. Think about using this type of drywall in areas like your bathroom or laundry room where there is going to be a lot of potential for moisture build-up. In general, green drywall can cost about 20% more than regular drywall will run you.

Purple Drywall

If you need something that is mold, mildew, and moisture resistant, this is a good option. It’s almost the same as green drywall, but it also has the added benefit of being more durable and well-suited for very high-traffic areas. If you know your walls are going to be taking a lot of abuse, consider asking about purple drywall.

Remember that in Dallas, you may already be dealing with weather that is more humid than other areas of the country. This could mean your home naturally needs more moisture-resistant materials than other homes might. Purple drywall is an option, but remember that it can cost up to 30% more than regular drywall will.

Type X

While all drywall is going to be naturally fire-resistant (it’s one of the great benefits of using drywall), this type is more resistant than any other type of drywall on the market. Type X drywall is thicker and has glass fibers mixed into the gypsum. While it’s not fireproof, it does have a 1-hour rating against fire.

Type X drywall may be required for your building to reach code, depending on where you’re having drywall installed within your home or office. If this is the case, you can be sure your contractor will let you know, but you can also ask about it since you’ll be aware already. Type X drywall costs about 10% more than regular drywall will run you.

Sound Dampening

Much like with regular vs. Type X drywall, all drywall is going to lessen the amount of sound that travels through the rooms in your home. Sound-dampening drywall is just an extra step to make the sound travel even less than it would with regular drywall. It has a membrane between two layers of gypsum to help with this process.

Most of the time you probably don’t need to worry about having sound-dampening drywall installed. However, if you’re having a room like a recording studio drywalled, it could be helpful. Expect this to cost a significant amount more than regular drywall, though. On average this type of drywall is about 400% more expensive.

Using regular drywall serves most people very well. If you have special considerations you want your contractor to take into account, make sure you let them know upfront. These types of material changes will make a big difference in getting you an estimate that’s more accurate and tailored to your specific project and needs.

What Is The Cost Of Drywall Installation In The Dallas Area?

There are quite a few drywall contractors in the Dallas area, so these quotes are from some local companies that we called or emailed anonymously. They are based on a mock project of a 200 square foot office. The quotes are for regular drywall with a level 4 finish and include a final paint coat. Here are some estimates based on these specifications:

Company: Hernandez Painting and Drywall

  • Installation Cost: $400
  • Finishing Cost: $500
  • Painting Cost: $400 + $100 worth of paint
  • Total Estimate: $1500

Company: Miguel’s Painting Service

  • Installation Cost: $750- $800
  • Finishing Cost: $300
  • Painting Cost: $300
  • Total Estimate: $1,500–$1,700

Company: Omega Industries Inc

  • Installation Cost: $600
  • Finishing Cost: $400
  • Painting Cost: $300 labor + $100 paint
  • Total Estimate: $1,500–$1,800

Company: Advanced Painting and Drywall

  • Installation Cost: $600
  • Finishing Cost: $600
  • Painting Cost: $400
  • Total Estimate: $1800

These quotes are, as mentioned, all based on the same variables. Although it’s not every drywall contracting company in the Dallas area, it does give you a chance to see what the average for the area is. Again, like with the national averages, this helps you weed out anyone who is too low or too high on their estimate.

There are some companies in the area that will not work with small budgets like this. Drywall Interiors, for example, will not work with anyone whose budget is lower than $10,000. This is something to keep in mind as you move forward with your project. You can ask anyone you contact if they expect you to have a minimum budget to spend before you get too far in the process.

What Are Special Considerations For Drywall Projects In The Dallas Area?

Depending on what you need for your specific drywall project, you may have some special considerations for the Dallas area to take into account. Most of these would revolve around the average humidity and temperature of the area. Remember that you do have options to help make sure your drywall can withstand the heat and humidity.

If you’re worried about the longevity of your drywall, ask about other types of drywall that may be used. Remember that green drywall and purple drywall are both made to be resistant to mold, with purple drywall being especially durable and well made for high-traffic areas.

Rest assured, the crews in Dallas are well-aware of the weather conditions in the area. If they suggest you use a different type of drywall, they are likely doing it with your best interest in mind. Give any suggestions your contractor makes some heavy consideration. What costs more upfront may end up saving you money in the long run.

What Are Special Considerations For Drywall Projects In The Dallas Area?


Being aware of the various things that can go into a drywall installation project will help you make a better decision about who to hire. You’ll be able to communicate more effectively and be more aware of what is available to you. You can ask more knowledgeable questions and make sure that you are truly getting what you want before the project is even started.

Keep in mind everything you’ve read here, from the types of finishes to the types of drywall out there. All of these things will help make sure you get an accurate estimate and help you stick to your budget throughout the project’s completion. A drywall project doesn’t have to be as stressful as you’re imagining.

Now that you’re informed, it’s time to put this information to use. Make some calls, remain confident that you are an informed consumer, get estimates, and make the final hiring decision. You’ll soon be able to have a finished project you’re happy with because of all the research you did before you got started. Great job researching, and good luck with your project!


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